Posts Tagged ‘Article 1’

All executive authority resides in Almighty God and is, therefore, vested in Almighty God by Almighty God. Isaiah 33:221 declares Yahweh2 is King. He has never abdicated His throne.3 He is as much King now as He was at creation and at the time Isaiah affirmed His sovereignty. As perpetual King, the kingdom He rules […]

After “completing” the Preamble, for a future generation of our posterity to perhaps use as a guide for doing it right(eous) the next time, I wasn’t necessarily intending to immediately proceed to articles for a future constitution. However, in addition to encouragement from others, this seems to be where the Lord is leading. I proceed […]

In this article, I continue to address some of the Constitution’s more serious “camels”—which Christians should be choking on instead of swallowing. Article 1’s Legislative Usurpation Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language defines a “legislator” as “a lawgiver, one who makes laws….”1 How does this definition and Article 1’s Legislative Branch comport […]

In this article, I continue to examine Mr. Fortenberry’s “Hidden Facts of the Founding Era,” in which he proposes forty-eight points that allegedly prove the Constitution was based upon the Bible. Point #15: “Article 1, Section 8 – ‘To establish an uniform rule of naturalization.’ In accordance with this law, Congress was to provide a […]

In this article, I’ll continue to examine Mr. Fortenberry’s “Hidden Facts of the Founding Era,” in which he proposes forty-eight points that allegedly prove the Constitution was based on the Bible. Point #4: “Article 1, Section 2 – ‘The House of Representatives… shall have the sole power of impeachment.’ The power of impeachment has been […]

When I wrote last week’s article, I had no intentions of its being a multi-part series. That was before I read Bill Fortenberry’s “Hidden Facts of the Founding Era.” His article proposes forty-eight points intended to prove the Constitution was based upon the Bible. In actuality, his article is a case study in straining at […]

In politics, everything revolves around the positioning of right, left, and center. You’re either rightwing, leftwing, or a centrist. Politicians and non-politicians alike employ all three terms as if there’s a consensus on the parameters for those designations. Even if this were true, who gets to determine what’s right, left, and center, and how are […]

Today’s blog was inspired by Allan Erickson’s post “Some Radical New Year Suggestions for Our Esteemed Leaders…” In it, he offered some excellent suggestions, but I propose that the following ten “radical” recommendations are far superior. #1: I propose the humanistic government of, by, and for the people be replaced with a government of, by, […]