Article Change

Posted: 22nd August 2013 by Ted Weiland in Uncategorized
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I’ve decided to change the order of Article 1 and Article 2 on the blog, placing the executive branch’s article before the legislative branch’s article. I will not be posting the rewrite of Article 1 on Constitution Mythbusters until August 30, Lord willing. This will provide an extra week for anyone interested in submitting a proposal regarding the executive branch before I post my submission.  Lord willing, I’ll post Article 2 regarding the legislative branch on September 6. This will provide an extra two weeks for anyone interested in submitting a proposal regarding the legislative branch before I post my submission.

In the meantime, if you were asked to be a delegate to a constitutional convention for the purpose of establishing a Biblical government, how might you write Article 1, concerning an executive branch for its constitution?

You can either submit your proposal below in response to this post, or email it to me at I look forward to your submissions.


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